Check-Up Videos
Watch the videos below to review the content we discuss during our your check-up with Dr Traeger
Welcome to parenthood!
How are we doing gaining weight?
What an amazing past 2 months! When do we sleep?
Now it’s starting to get fun!
Smiling, laughing, sitting, eating. We really are on a “roll” with all these developmental milestones!
Food is life! Right now eating is usually going really well and everything is chance to have fun. If you’re eating it your child is going to want a couple bites as well.
Happy Birthday! You’ve made it a whole year. A lot has changed this past year with you routine, family, and baby. It’s fun. And amazing.
Please see the following videos that relate to this age.
15 Months is all about the personality starting to come out more.
If this is 18 months, what is two going to be like? Frequently people notice that the tantrums and opinions are in full force at this age. That’s right.
Are you ready to party? Two is lots of “fun.”
Terrible two? No way, this is great.
Three year old children love to play all day and are usually really into other kids.
Four is one of my favorite ages
Pro tip - good sunglasses for the drop off at Kindergarten.
Six is really great.
Seven is best described in one word… personality.
Eight is Gr8!
Nine year olds are really starting to feel the peer relationships.
Seriously, you have a 10 year old now.
Boom… Middle School
At the time of this writing I am right in the middle of 12 and I am loving it.
Its the end of middle school and the beginning of so much more.
High School… Enough said.
Peer groups, identity and seeing how they fit into the world is a big deal.
You’re supposed to be driving at this age… Right?
As a doctor I really enjoy this age.
Graduating high school is just the end of the beginning.