Patient Education
Patient and family education is the most important part of our well child visits. Most of the visit will be spent on answering your questions and concerns. These videos are a supplement to our visits and allow me to elaborate more on some of my favorite topics.
Recent Articles And Videos
National Infant Immunization Week 2020
I vaccinate to protect all of these people! #NationalInfantImmunizationWeek

6 Month Check-Up
Smiling, laughing, sitting, eating. We really are on a “roll” with all these developmental milestones!
9 Month Check-Up
Food is life! Right now eating is usually going really well and everything is chance to have fun. If you’re eating it your child is going to want a couple bites as well.
12 Month Check-Up
Happy Birthday! You’ve made it a whole year. A lot has changed this past year with you routine, family, and baby. It’s fun. And amazing.
Please see the following videos that relate to this age.
18 Month Check-Up
If this is 18 months, what is two going to be like? Frequently people notice that the tantrums and opinions are in full force at this age. That’s right.